You Need a Website

We Can Help You Add Function to Your Website With Style

When you add function to your website, your small business website can be turned into more than a marketing tool.  With the right features integrated, the experience can enable customers to connect with your business and can make managing your business easier.  Done properly those experiences and efficiencies will help your business grow.

Soccer Club Website

This website was built for a small soccer club looking to grow.  With growth in mind, we focused on making everything dynamic to allow the website to grow with the club.  To do this we implemented a database that could manage new teams, coaches and players.  All content was dynamic which allows the page content to change with teams, player and coach changes.

On top of the dynamic content, we also included a registration process. The registration was added to organize the annual tryout process and the details collected during the registration would be used for the annual membership. Each registrant that decided to join the club would then turn into members where the club could manage payment.

A contact form was added to each page. This would allow individuals not currently part of the organization an easy to show interest or ask questions. The individual who submitted the question could then be added to our marketing efforts to seek out future possible interest in the club. 

The website also included a blog area to help make the website more visible in search results and give the club more of a personal feel. To help with the personal feel and engagement for current members we added team pages where members could upload pictures and included a group chat feature. 

Add Function to your website Soccer Club
Lawn Service Website

This small website was built for a lawn service professional just starting to build a business.  We decided to integrate a service booking system.  This allowed current customers the ability to use the website to schedule an available time slot.  The user interface was extremely intuitive, and users were able to book a time slot that worked for them quickly.  The owner completely controlled the calendar. The owner determined available time slots by providing business hours and integrating their personal calendar. Customization was available on the number of booking slots for each day as well as the amount of time between each appointment.

Confirmation and reminder emails to both the owner and customer were included in the booking application.  And finally, once a service was booked, the event connected to the owner’s calendar.

As part of this small business website design, we implemented a list of services, a price table for each service, and a contact form.

From a design perspective, we used one font type to keep the page consistent. Also, to add consistency, we used a limited color palate with a few shades of green. You also will notice the width of the outer data elements follows the same spacing. Consistent font, colors, and section spacing provide a very nice flow to the overall website. Together these small details ensure a good user experience while using your small business website.

We can add functionality to your website just like this and in many other ways. Just give us a chance!

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