How to Change the WordPress Logo on Tab: A Clear Guide

how to change the wordpress logo on tab

The smallest details can make a significant impact on how your website is perceived. One such detail, often overlooked, is the tiny icon that sits atop your browser tab—the favicon. If you’re running a website on WordPress, this icon might still be set to the default WordPress logo. However, personalizing it can enhance brand recognition and lend a professional touch to your site. In this article we are going to learn how to change the WordPress logo on tab to help your website look more professional.

Understanding the Importance of a WordPress Tab Logo

As a WordPress site owner, you might have noticed that your website’s tab on web browsers displays a default WordPress logo. While this might not seem like a big deal, it can actually have a significant impact on your site’s brand recognition and user experience.

The small image that appears on the tab of a web browser is known as a favicon. It is a site icon feature that web browsers use to display a little icon in the address bar and browser window. Having a favicon is a good idea because it helps users quickly identify your website among their many open tabs.

Using your own logo or site icon instead of the default WordPress logo is a best practice for website design. It gives your site a unique favicon that represents your brand and makes it stand out among other websites. By using your own logo or site icon, you can create a consistent brand image across all platforms, including the web browser.

WARNING: Opt for simplicity to ensure visibility, especially if your logo has intricate details. Using a portion of your logo might be more effective. Remember, less is often more!

In addition to improving brand recognition, having a custom favicon can also enhance the user experience of your website. Users are more likely to remember your website’s title and logo design if they see it consistently across all platforms, including the favicon. This can lead to increased user engagement and loyalty.

Overall, having a unique favicon representing your brand is an important aspect of website design. By replacing the default WordPress logo with your own site logo or favicon, you can improve brand recognition, and user experience, and create a consistent brand image across all platforms.

Accessing the WordPress Dashboard

WordPress Dashboard to update logo

Accessing the WordPress Dashboard is crucial to managing your website as a WordPress user. The Dashboard is where you can customize your website, add new content, and manage your website’s settings. In this section, I will guide you through the steps to access the WordPress Dashboard.

To access the WordPress Dashboard, log in to your WordPress website first. You can do this by typing “/wp-admin” at the end of your website URL. For example, if your website URL is “”, you would type “” into your browser’s address bar.

Once you have entered the URL, you will be taken to the WordPress login page. Enter your username and password and click the “Log In” button. If you have forgotten your login details, you can click the “Lost your password?” link to reset your password.

After logging in, you will be taken to the WordPress Dashboard. The Dashboard is the central hub for managing your website. It provides access to all the features and tools you need to create and manage your website.

In the WordPress Dashboard, you will see a menu on the left-hand side of the screen. This menu contains all the options for customizing your website, adding new content, and managing your website’s settings. You can navigate through the menu by clicking on the different options.

Selecting the customizer from the wordpress dashboard

To begin customizing, you must first select Appearance, then select Customize. Following the steps outlined in this section, you can easily access the Dashboard and start customizing your website.

Navigating to the Site Identity Section

To change the WordPress logo on the tab, I need to navigate to the Site Identity section in the WordPress Customizer. I can customize the site title, tagline, and logo in the Site Identity section.

In the WordPress Customizer, I can see a list of all the available customization options for my website. To find the Site Identity section, I need to look for the Site Identity tab. This tab is usually located near the top of the Customizer menu.

Once I’ve located the Site Identity tab, I can click on it to open up the Site Identity section. Here, I can customize my site title, tagline, and logo. To change the logo, I need to click on the Change Logo button and upload a new logo image.

Overall, navigating to the Site Identity section in the WordPress Customizer is a simple process that can be completed in just a few clicks. This section allows me to easily customize my site’s logo and other important branding elements.

Finding the Customizer while using the Kadence theme

Working with Kadence WordPress Theme

I recently had the opportunity to work with the Kadence WordPress Theme, and I must say that it is a great option for those looking for a modern and customizable theme.

Using Kadence was a breeze, as it offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to customize your website easily. With Kadence, you can easily change the logo on your tab, which is a great way to personalize your website and make it stand out.

To change the logo on your tab with Kadence, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Customize.
  2. Click on the Site Identity tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Site Icon section.
  4. Click on the Select Image button and choose the image you want to use as your logo.
  5. Click on the Publish button to save your changes.
Selecting the site icon wordpress logo from your tab

Kadence also offers a wide range of customization options, including changing your website’s colors, fonts, and layout. With Kadence, you can truly make your website your own.

Overall, I highly recommend using Kadence for your WordPress website. Its user-friendly interface and extensive customization options make it a great choice for beginners and experienced users.

Designing Your Logo

As a website owner, you may want to replace the default WordPress logo on your tab with your custom logo. A custom logo can help you establish your brand identity and make your website more recognizable to your visitors. In this section, I will guide you through designing your logo.

Logo Design

Before you start designing your own logo, it’s important to understand the basics of logo design. A logo is a visual representation of your brand that should be simple, memorable, and timeless. Your logo should reflect your brand’s personality and values, and it should be versatile enough to be used across different mediums.

When designing your own logo, you can use online logo makers or design software like Adobe Illustrator or Canva. These tools offer a wide range of templates, fonts, and icons that you can use to create a unique logo. Alternatively, you can hire a professional designer to create a custom logo for you.

Brand Logo

Your brand logo should be consistent with your brand’s messaging and voice. It should be visually appealing and easy to recognize. When designing your brand logo, consider the following:

  • Color: Choose colors that reflect your brand’s personality and values.
  • Font: Choose a font that is easy to read and reflects your brand’s tone.
  • Icon: Choose an icon that represents your brand’s message and values.

Custom Logo

A custom logo is a unique logo designed specifically for your brand. It should be memorable, timeless, and versatile. When designing your custom logo, consider the following:

  • Unique: Your custom logo should be unique and stand out from competitors.
  • Versatile: Your custom logo should be versatile enough for different mediums.
  • Timeless: Your custom logo should be timeless and not be affected by trends.

In conclusion, designing your own logo requires careful consideration of your brand’s personality, values, and messaging. Whether you use an online logo maker or hire a professional designer, your logo should be simple, memorable, and timeless.

Using Favicon Generators

Choosing the right favicon makes all the difference

To change the WordPress logo on the tab, you can use a favicon generator to create a custom icon that will appear on the tab. A favicon generator is a tool that allows you to generate a favicon for your website. Here’s how to use a favicon generator to change the WordPress logo on the tab:

  1. Choose a favicon generator: There are many favicon generators available online, such as, RealFaviconGenerator, and Favicomatic. Choose the one that suits your needs and preferences.
  2. Upload your logo: Once you’ve chosen a favicon generator, upload your logo to the generator. The logo should be in a square format and at least 512×512 pixels in size.
  3. Generate the favicon: After uploading your logo, the favicon generator will generate a favicon for you. You can preview the favicon before downloading it.
  4. Download the favicon: Once you’re satisfied with the favicon, download it and save it to your computer.
  5. Upload the favicon to WordPress: Finally, upload the favicon to WordPress. To do this, go to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. In the Site Icon section, click on Select Image and upload the favicon you just created.

Using a favicon generator is an easy and effective way to change the WordPress logo on the tab. It allows you to create a custom icon that represents your website and helps it stand out from the crowd.

Dealing with Transparent Backgrounds

When changing the WordPress logo on the tab, it’s important to consider the background color of the logo. If the logo has a transparent background, it can be difficult to see on certain browser themes or backgrounds. Here are some tips for dealing with transparent backgrounds:

  • Use a solid background color: If you’re having trouble seeing the logo on certain backgrounds, try using a solid color for the background instead. This will make the logo stand out more and be easier to see.
  • Add a border: Another option is to add a border around the logo. This can help define the logo and make it easier to see on different backgrounds.
  • Change the logo: If the logo isn’t working with a transparent background, consider changing it to one with a solid background. There are many free logo options available online that can be used instead.

When dealing with transparent backgrounds, it’s important to consider the context in which the logo will be used and make adjustments accordingly. Following these tips ensures that your WordPress logo is visible and effective on all browser themes and backgrounds.

Understanding PNG File Requirements

When changing the WordPress logo on the tab, it is important to understand the requirements for the PNG file that will be used as the new logo. PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics, and it is a file format that is commonly used for images on the web. Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating a PNG file for your WordPress logo:

  • File size: The file size of your PNG should be as small as possible without sacrificing image quality. This is important because larger file sizes can slow down your website and negatively impact your user experience. Aim for a file size of 100 KB or less.
  • Resolution: The resolution of your PNG should be high enough to ensure that your logo looks crisp and clear on all devices. Aim for a resolution of at least 72 pixels per inch (PPI).
  • Transparency: PNG files support transparency, meaning you can create a logo with a transparent background. This is useful if you want your logo to blend seamlessly into your website’s design.
  • Color mode: PNG files can be saved in RGB or CMYK color mode. It is recommended to use RGB color mode for web use as it is the standard for digital screens.
  • Image compression: PNG files use lossless compression, which means that the image quality is not compromised when the file size is reduced. However, tools available can further compress PNG files without sacrificing quality, which can help reduce page load times. I like to use Squoosh for optimizing images.

By keeping these requirements in mind, you can create a PNG file for your WordPress logo that looks great and performs well on your website.

Considering Free Themes

When changing the WordPress logo on the tab, one option is to consider using a free theme. Free themes are a great way to change the look and feel of your website without spending any money. Many free themes are available online, and they can be easily installed on your WordPress website.

When choosing a free theme, it is important to consider a few key factors. First, you should look at the design and layout of the theme. Make sure the theme has a design that fits with the style of your website and is easy to navigate. You should also consider the features and functionality of the theme. Some free themes may not have all the features you need, so make sure to choose a theme that has the features you require.

Another important factor to consider when choosing a free theme is the available support level. While free themes are a great way to save money, they may not always come with the same level of support as paid themes. Make sure to choose a theme that has a good support system in place, either through the theme developer or through a community of users.

Finally, when choosing a free theme, it is important to ensure it is compatible with the latest version of WordPress. WordPress is constantly being updated, and some older themes may not be compatible with the latest version. Make sure to choose a theme that is regularly updated and compatible with the latest version of WordPress.

Overall, free themes can be a great option for changing the WordPress logo on the tab. When choosing a free theme, it is important to consider its design, features, support, and compatibility. With a little research, you can find a free theme that meets all of your needs and helps you create a professional-looking website.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to change the site icon in WordPress?

To change the site icon in WordPress, you can use a plugin or manually add it to your theme’s header.php file. You can also use the WordPress Customizer to upload your site icon.

How to change the tab icon in WordPress?

To change the tab icon in WordPress, you can use a plugin or manually add it to your theme’s header.php file. You can also use the WordPress Customizer to upload your tab icon.

How to change the logo on a WordPress site?

To change the logo on a WordPress site, you can use a plugin or manually add code to your theme’s functions.php file. You can also use the WordPress Customizer to upload a new logo.

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