How to Embed Google Calendar into WordPress the Easy Way

how to embed google calendar into wordpress with ease

Let’s get to the point – the fastest way to embed your Google Calendar with no customized style options.

Embed Google Calendar into WordPress following a few steps. First, you need to obtain the embed code for your calendar from Google Calendar. This code will allow you to display your calendar on your website. Once you have the code, you can easily add it to your WordPress site using the built-in HTML block.

Step 1 Go to your Google Calendar and click on the three dots next to the calendar (in the left navigation panel) you want to embed. Select “Settings and sharing” from the drop-down menu and then scroll down to the “Integrate calendar” section. Here, you’ll find the embed code for your calendar. Copy this code to your clipboard.

Step 2 Go to your WordPress site and navigate to the page or post where you want to embed your calendar. Choose the HTML block and place it on your page where you want the calendar to appear. Paste the embed code into the block. Save your change and then preview your saved change to see the embedded calendar on your website.

Embed Google Calendar into WordPress – Watch Me

Take a Step Back: Understanding Google Calendar and WordPress

As someone who manages a WordPress website, you might be interested in embedding a Google Calendar into your site. Google Calendar is a powerful tool that lets you track events, appointments, and schedules. It can be a great addition to your website, especially if you want to share your events with your audience.

You must first have a Google account to embed a Google Calendar into your WordPress site. You can easily create one for free if you don’t have one. Once you have a Google account, you can create a new calendar or use an existing one.

You’ll need to use a plugin or the HTML block to embed your Google Calendar into your WordPress site. Several plugins can help you with this task, such as ICS Calendar and Simple Calendar. These plugins make it easy to embed your Google Calendar into your WordPress site with more control over the style. Using a plugin also gives you a more professional-looking calendar. Let’s be honest: the Google Calendar directly embedded doesn’t look great.

Impressive Booking Plugin to Embed into your WordPress website

Once you have installed and activated the plugin of your choice, you can configure it to display your Google Calendar on your site. You’ll need to provide the plugin with your Google account information, such as your calendar ID and possibly an API key. The plugin will then use this information to fetch your calendar data and display it on your site.

It’s important to note that embedding a Google Calendar into your WordPress site requires some technical knowledge. If you’re not comfortable with configuring plugins or working with code, you might want to consider hiring a developer to help you with this task.

Overall, embedding a Google Calendar into your WordPress site can be a great way to share your events and schedules with your audience. With the right plugin and configuration, you can easily display your calendar on your site and keep your visitors up-to-date with your latest events and activities.

Setting Up Google Calendar

To embed a Google Calendar into WordPress, you first need to create a new calendar or use an existing one. To create a new calendar, click on the “Create new calendar” button in the left sidebar of your Google Calendar homepage. Give your new calendar a name and description, and choose the time zone that you want to use.

Once you have created your calendar, you can add events to it by clicking on the “Create” button in the top left corner of your calendar. You can then enter the details of the event, including the title, date, time, and location.

To make your calendar public, go to the calendar settings by clicking on the three dots next to your calendar name and selecting “Settings and sharing”. Scroll down to the “Access permissions” section and set the “Make available to public” option to “Yes”. You can also customize the calendar’s visibility by choosing to show or hide event details.

To embed your public Google Calendar into your WordPress website, you can use the Google Calendar widget or a third-party plugin. The Google Calendar widget allows you to display your calendar in a sidebar or footer area of your website. To use the widget, go to Appearance > Widgets in your WordPress dashboard and drag the Google Calendar widget to your desired location. You can then configure the widget by entering your calendar’s public URL and customizing the display options.

If you want more control over the appearance and functionality of your embedded calendar, you can use a third-party plugin like WP Google Calendar Manager. This plugin allows you to create and customize multiple calendars, display them in various formats, and add advanced features like event registration and ticketing.

In conclusion, setting up a Google Calendar for use in WordPress is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. By creating a new calendar, adding events, making it public, and embedding it into your website using the Google Calendar widget or a plugin, you can easily share your schedule with your audience and keep them informed about upcoming events.

Embedding Google Calendar into WordPress

Embedding a Google Calendar into a WordPress website can be a great way to keep your visitors informed about upcoming events and appointments. In this section, I will guide you through the process of embedding a Google Calendar into your WordPress website.

First, you need to navigate to your Google Calendar and find the calendar you want to embed. Click on the three dots next to the calendar name and select “Settings and sharing”. Scroll down to the “Integrate calendar” section and copy the iframe code.

Next, log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the page or post where you want to embed the calendar. If you are using the classic text editor, switch to the “Text” tab. If you are using the Gutenberg editor, add a custom HTML block by clicking on the plus sign and selecting “Custom HTML”.

Paste the iframe code into the text editor or custom HTML block. You can adjust the width and height of the calendar by changing the values in the code. Make sure to save your changes and preview the page or post to see the embedded calendar.

It’s important to note that if you embed a public calendar, anyone visiting your website can see the events on the calendar. If you embed a private calendar, users must log in to their Google account to view it.

In conclusion, embedding a Google Calendar into your WordPress website is a simple process that can enhance user experience and keep your visitors informed about upcoming events. Just follow the steps outlined above, and you’ll have a fully functional embedded calendar in no time.

Using WordPress Plugins for Google Calendar

If you want to embed a Google Calendar into your WordPress website, you can use WordPress plugins. Several plugins allow you to integrate Google Calendar into your website without any coding knowledge.

Simple Calendar Plugin

Simple Calendar Google Calendar Example

Simple Calendar Plugin is one of the most popular plugins to embed Google Calendar into WordPress. This plugin is easy to use and allows you to display your calendar in various ways. You can choose to display your calendar in a widget, a post, or a page. The Simple Calendar Plugin also allows you to customize the appearance of your calendar to match your website’s design.

To use the Simple Calendar Plugin, you must install and activate the plugin on your WordPress website. Once you have done that, you can create a new calendar and connect it to your Google account. You will also need to create a Google Calendar API. You can then customize the appearance of your calendar and display it on your website.

ICS Calendar Plugin

ICS Calendar Google Calendar Example

Another plugin for embedding Google Calendar is the ICS Calendar Plugin. This plugin allows you to display your calendar in a variety of formats, including a widget, a post, or a page. The ICS Calendar Plugin also allows you to customize the appearance of your calendar to match your website’s design.

You must install and activate the plugin on your WordPress website to use the ICS Calendar Plugin. Once you have done that, you can connect your Google account to the plugin and customize the appearance of your calendar. You can then display your calendar on your website using the shortcode provided by the plugin.

The Simple Calendar Plugin and ICS Calendar Plugin are excellent options for embedding Google Calendar into your WordPress website. The ICS Calendar was much easier to set up. I had the calendar up in minutes. Simple Calendar required a little more work since it needed an API created and has more customizations within the WordPress backend.

From a performance perspective, the Simple Calendar loaded faster when loading the page. With these plugins, you can easily display your calendar on your website without any coding knowledge.

Ease of SetupICS Calendar (easy winner)
Availible ConfigurationTie
User ExperienceTie
PerformanceSimple Calendar

Customizing the Embedded Google Calendar

Google Calendar Customization

If you decide not to use a plugin, Google Calendar does provide several customization options to personalize your embedded calendar’s appearance and functionality. In this section, I will discuss some of the most helpful customization options that you can use to enhance your embedded Google Calendar.

One of the most important customization options is the ability to change the color scheme of your embedded calendar. Google Calendar provides several predefined color schemes you can choose from, or you can create your own custom color scheme using the color picker tool. To change the color scheme of your embedded calendar, go to the “Customize” tab in the Google Calendar settings and select the “Colors” option.

Another helpful customization option is the ability to control the size and layout of your embedded calendar. Google Calendar provides several layout options, including a compact view, a week view, a month view, and an agenda view. You can also adjust the size of your embedded calendar to fit the dimensions of your web page by using the width and height parameters in the embed code.

In addition to these customization options, Google Calendar also provides several advanced options that you can use to customize your embedded calendar further. For example, you can add custom event titles and descriptions, set your calendar’s time zone, and control certain events’ visibility.

Overall, customizing your embedded Google Calendar is a great way to enhance the functionality and appearance of your website. By taking advantage of the various customization options Google Calendar provides, you can create a personalized calendar that meets your website’s and your users’ specific needs.

Benefits for Website Visitors

As a website owner, embedding Google Calendar into your WordPress site is a great way to give visitors easy access to upcoming events and important dates. By doing so, you can enhance their user experience and make it easier for them to engage with your content.

One of the main benefits of embedding Google Calendar is that it is an easy way to keep your visitors informed about your events without them having to leave your site. They can check your calendar to see what’s coming up and plan accordingly.

Another benefit is that it is a great way to showcase your organization’s schedule. This is particularly useful for businesses, schools, and other organizations with many events and activities. By embedding your calendar, you can provide visitors with a comprehensive view of your schedule, making it easier for them to plan their own schedules around yours.

Embedding Google Calendar is also a simple process that can be done in just a few easy steps. Once you have set up your calendar and customized it to your liking, you can copy and paste the code into your WordPress site. This means that even if you don’t have a lot of technical expertise, you can still easily embed your calendar and provide your visitors with a great user experience.

In summary, embedding Google Calendar into your WordPress site is a great way to give visitors easy access to upcoming events and important dates. It is a simple process that can be done in just a few easy steps, and it is a great way to showcase your organization’s schedule. By doing so, you can enhance your visitor’s user experience and make engaging with your content easier.


In this article, I have provided a step-by-step guide on how to embed Google Calendar into WordPress. Following the instructions, you can easily add a calendar to your WordPress page and customize it to fit your needs.

Using Google Calendar is a great way to inform your audience about upcoming events or important dates. With the ability to embed the calendar directly onto your website, visitors can easily see what’s coming up without leaving your page.

Embedding Google Calendar into WordPress is a simple process that can significantly benefit your website. By providing your audience with an easy-to-use calendar, you can increase engagement and keep them returning for more.

I hope this guide has been helpful and that you can embed Google Calendar into your WordPress page successfully. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I add a Google Calendar to my WordPress site without using a plugin?

If you want to add a Google Calendar to your WordPress website without a plugin, you can embed the calendar using an iframe. However, this method can be tricky and may require some technical knowledge. We recommend using a plugin to simplify the process.

How do I embed a Google Calendar into my WordPress website?

You can use a plugin such as Simple Calendar to embed a Google Calendar into your WordPress website. Once you install and activate the plugin, you can configure the settings to display your calendar on your website. You can customize the calendar’s appearance to match your website’s design.

What is the best free Google Calendar plugin for WordPress?

Several free Google Calendar plugins are available for WordPress, but the ones mentioned in the article are my favorites – ICS Calendar and Simple Calendar. They offer a wide range of features and customization options.

Is there a WordPress plugin for booking appointments with Google Calendar?

Yes, several WordPress plugins allow you to book appointments with Google Calendar. One popular option and the one I use is “Amelia,” which integrates with Google Calendar to allow customers to schedule appointments directly from your website.

Can I embed a Google Calendar in WordPress without using an iframe?

You can embed a Google Calendar in WordPress without an iframe using a plugin such as “Simple Calendar.” This plugin allows you to display your calendar using a shortcode or widget, so you don’t need an iframe.

How can I make my Google Calendar look attractive on my WordPress site?

To make your Google Calendar look attractive on your WordPress site, you can customize the calendar’s appearance using a plugin such as ICS Calendar and Simple Calendar. These plugins allow you to adjust the calendar’s colors, fonts, and other design elements to match your website’s style. You can also choose from different display options, such as a list or grid view.

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